Now there is some new informations about the upcomming (day D for them - 6.16. - is comming

) Radeons, that kinda support the idea, that fastest Fury will beat Titan X by 10% "at least."
The important information is, that it will feature 128 ROP units...! :thumb: since the number of ROP units, together with the bus speed, 4096 stream processors and clocks are known, then the watercooled Fiji chip will compare to known R9 290X in Uber mode that way:
aritmetical computing power: +53%
texturing power: +53%
rasterizing power: +110% (!)
data bandwitch: +60%
And since R9 290X in DX12 could rival Titan X (yes, in draw calls it beat (closely, but beat) Titan X, witch did not mean that it will beat it in game, but there is the possibility...), then card that will be at least +53% faster... will blow Titan X out of any comparsion.
Unless AMD screw something up badly

(this possibility cannot be ruled out)
But fear not! Just apply some GameWorks AMD killing code and suddently Titan X will outperform watercooled Fiji

Cheats are cheats... and nVidia *love* cheats