Ketxxx -
If they had higher quality of the PCB, people did not losing their cards so easy, so, true. Jamicons are bad caps either. Not good for audio, not reliable and certainly not good for voltage foltering. In fact, they are not good for anything.
NJM4558 opamps was first made in 1978 and they used them on 2003 or 2004 soundcard. The list could go on, but there is one point you gotta give them.
Even default the card sound still good and it is easily upgradable. And even they tend to overbload the drivers, they has the best EAX support, OpenAL support and X-RAM for samples. Not to mention lowest CPU load, so...
It is somewhat usable junk. If you did not encounter freezes in game, like I did thx to Jamicons (they stop as soon, as I recap C177), you tend to rate the X-Fi abit higher, like imperialreign did. I do have to lower the rating based on my experience. It is not a Fatal1ty only issue, tough. They put a G-Luxon caps on X-Fi Elite Pro.
Now I have a big problem with that. Ask anyone who specilaize in caps to name five most horrible types of bad caps. Chances are that ANYONE will include these G-Luxons. If I should do it, then:
G-Luxon, GSC, Fuhjyyu/VENT, CapXon, TMS, Lelon, Asia-X, Chhsi, HEC, Teapo, OST...
Notice I place the G-Suxxons on the very first place. Now using them in the very high end card of the line does sound laughable... but it is a bit crazy/supersarcastic laugh.
imperialreign -
Thanks! I did not consider that, but I do consider:
- replace C72 with Samxon GD 470uF 6.3V because that cap filter the negative -5V for opamps, so a 150uF Panny FM 6.3V is NOT adequate here
- replace the mic input M33078 opamp (or what the hell this is, need more research)
- add a TI shield on the back of the card to protect it from both the EMI and RFI
- add a pure cooper small heatsinks on opamps (shown to improve dB ratings by 1 - 2dB using the LM4562 opamps as well as give less noise (cooler operation) and also act as RFI shield) and on the DAC
And that should be it
I tend to disagree, but time will tell. I tend to disagree because AD8599 is not known to tend to picky RF. It is a slower, audio-made opamp. So added shielding will not give it edge over situation w/o shielding.
Lower working temperature sure help to lower the noise, but the question is, if this could be measurable. You get a notable difference heatsinking the DAC, tough.
Of course it can't hurt a thing, so... slap them in and measure. Add DAC heastink and measure again. Remove blocking transistors (BIG change!) and measure again.
Don't foget the caps, man!
Ketxxx -
...and PCB is made in China, just like the rest

What opamps it use anyway?