Monday, July 7th 2008

Material Used in LCD 17,000-times More Warming-Effective Than CO2

A lot of us switched over to LCD displays over CRT for reasons such as reduced electricity bills, thereby reducing our carbon-footprint. It is true, LCD displays have done a great job reducing power consumptions and effectively reducing CO2, but to what extant is this 'carbon-footprint reduction' helping reduce green-house gases?

New studies find that a material used in the manufacture of LCD displays called Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), is the 'missing gas' which adds up to the equation of exactly which substances contribute to global-warming. A study conducted by Michael Prather (read here) reveals that this gas has a stunning 17,000 times greater contribution to global-warming. This compound is still used in the manufacturing of LCD and synthetic diamonds. According to Prather, the compound was initially missed by the Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty governing response to global warming, due to the fact that it was not widely used at the time and its nature wasn't established.

The Kyoto Protocol missed several such compounds because they felt they were used in very insignificant quantities, although at that time the harmful effects of NF3 might not have been established since Parther's letter is dated 26th June. The amount of nitrogen nitrofluoride emissions is expected to total this year to approximately the emissions of a smaller industrialized nation, such as Austria in CO2, the equivalent of about 67 million metric tons worth. The rise of digital and high-definition television resulting in increased production of LCD and related technologies in the consumer electronics industry, contributes to the rise of emission of this substance.

Environmentalists will have a tough time convincing governments to enforce regulations. The demand for LCD products is so huge, industrialists will find it too big an expense to halt production and make core redesigns to a 'hot'-selling technology.
Source: DailyTech
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122 Comments on Material Used in LCD 17,000-times More Warming-Effective Than CO2

candle_86go ahead go about your global warming BS, ill continue to live as a I do and will continue to live my life the way i see fit.
And you can do that, however if you're going against the general scientific community you can post your arguments in the before mentioned thread :)
Posted on Reply
I'm still buying a 24" LCD monitor for my next build...:rockout:
Posted on Reply
so having lcd's in every headrest of my supercharged ford excursion = bad?

also global warming is a real thing. It's happening. I dont know if we're causing it though or if its something that's happening naturally. And hey, don't humans thrive in warmer environments? Maybe it won't be so bad...

I know that growing up in northern virginia, we would have snow every winter, and lots of it. Last winter, we had one snow fall, and it was half an inch. The winter before that was the same, but with a few more frosts, and the winter before THAT didnt have ANYTHING!
Posted on Reply
Back in Massachusetts last year there were torrential snow falls compared to previous years.

People don't understand that global warming (like global cooling) is just an average of the entire planet. You cannot extrapolate to say that global warming would cause a severe reduction in snow falls in a particular area of the US over a decade. You could argue such a theory if given 500 years of data or so. Temperatures fluctuate widely year by year and century by century. Global warming on a planetary scale would require hundreds of years of data to prove. At the moment, we only really have 60 years of data which is accurate enough to prove or disprove the global warming theory.
Posted on Reply
flashstarBack in Massachusetts last year there were torrential snow falls compared to previous years.

People don't understand that global warming (like global cooling) is just an average of the entire planet. You cannot extrapolate to say that global warming would cause a severe reduction in snow falls in a particular area of the US over a decade. You could argue such a theory if given 500 years of data or so. Temperatures fluctuate widely year by year and century by century. Global warming on a planetary scale would require hundreds of years of data to prove. At the moment, we only really have 60 years of data which is accurate enough to prove or disprove the global warming theory.
but lets just say it's real and people like you keep saying we dont have enough data. 400 years from now when we have enough, and the planet is scorching hot (big if) dont you think they'd look back and wonder why we didnt act as if it WAS happening, not act as if we don't have proof it's happening? My point is, what's the harm in being cleaner? :P
Posted on Reply
cleaner, half the clean energy crap uses more harmful chemicals to simply produce. But for the sake of arguement lets say our government says everyone get a hybrid in 5 years, do you expect we as a people to just say ok, or will you expect to see who ever is in charge loose there jobs before 5 years is up? Going green is a waste of money and the only true way to go green in alot of areas is to stop using it period the end.

You can't ask me to stop driving, you can't ask me to stop using incandesent light bulbs, and you can't ask me to plants 50 trees, unless your paying for everything to change for your green standards.
Posted on Reply
candle_86cleaner, half the clean energy crap uses more harmful chemicals to simply produce. But for the sake of arguement lets say our government says everyone get a hybrid in 5 years, do you expect we as a people to just say ok, or will you expect to see who ever is in charge loose there jobs before 5 years is up? Going green is a waste of money and the only true way to go green in alot of areas is to stop using it period the end.

You can't ask me to stop driving, you can't ask me to stop using incandesent light bulbs, and you can't ask me to plants 50 trees, unless your paying for everything to change for your green standards.
I dont know if someone brought it up already, but aparently if everyone in the US gave their car a tuneup, and had propper tire preasure, the energy saved would equal the ammount saved if we switched to corn ethanol. Why shouldn't our government make sure people are on top of these minor things? Hell there's seatbelt and helmet laws aren't there? Which do you think is more nosey? Making sure you wear your seatbelt to protect yourself, or making sure the air in your tires is correct to (i dont know if protect is the right word) but protect those around you...

Either way, theres tiny steps we can take, it doesn't need to be drastic. Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.
Posted on Reply
Tune ups most people get them when the car needs it, but alot simply can't afford it, do you think i can afford to walk out and get a tuneup, as for tire pressure any driver will fix that if they feel the imbalance driving, where not morons chron. IF the government wants to send me a check to have my engine tuned let them, otherwise ill drive it till it dies because i don't have the money for a full tuneup, i do the little things like adjust idol ect
Posted on Reply
"where not morons chron" I almost replied to correct you. lolol. YAGAHME

anyways, I can understand when it comes to spending money on stuff that aint broke, but there are other steps we could all take to consume less as a nation. One major free one - take everything out of your car you dont need! My friend meg drove around literally for 7 years with her trunk FILLED to the very top with JUNK. Finally we cleaned it out one day, and i mean she just had so much crap it was unbelievable. And we knew it was 7 years because there were assignments from highschool still in her trunk lol. She told me she definitely noticed a difference when breaking.

I personally drive a 5 speed focus, and I rarely speed. 55 gives you the max fuel economy your car can offer, so i try to stay around there. You might not like it, but this is where we are headed.

oh and one last thing i'd like to add - What's with the argument that organisms like us can't change the earth in such a way? I thought the only reason we have oxygen is because the very FIRST organisms made it that way? sure it was over the course of millions of years, but still, with the way we're pumpin it out what's to say we really can't make a profound impact?
Posted on Reply
DarkrealmsDo your part get propane! LoL, at least it'll be cheaper. Or if you’re that against CO2 ride a bicycle. If everyone did that prices would plummet.

I believe the universe has cycles, therefore our sun, earth, seasons, climates, etc, etc have cycles. Can man have an effect on the cycles? On earth and below yes. Do we actually have the "global warming" effect. I believe No.
There is "evidence" on both sides of the argument. Yes "Day After Tomorrow" was a great movie, I own it. Does it prove anything? No.

Should we be stewards of the planet we live on? Yes.
Should things like "global warming" have an effect on our stewardship? No. We should do what we UNDERSTAND is best, and when we find out we are wrong we should do what we UNDERSTAND is best again.
I've said that as well just see my highlighted section above.
chronI dont know if someone brought it up already, but aparently if everyone in the US gave their car a tuneup, and had propper tire preasure, the energy saved would equal the ammount saved if we switched to corn ethanol. Why shouldn't our government make sure people are on top of these minor things? Hell there's seatbelt and helmet laws aren't there? Which do you think is more nosey? Making sure you wear your seatbelt to protect yourself, or making sure the air in your tires is correct to (i dont know if protect is the right word) but protect those around you...

Either way, theres tiny steps we can take, it doesn't need to be drastic. Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.
chron"where not morons chron" I almost replied to correct you. lolol. YAGAHME

anyways, I can understand when it comes to spending money on stuff that aint broke, but there are other steps we could all take to consume less as a nation. One major free one - take everything out of your car you dont need! My friend meg drove around literally for 7 years with her trunk FILLED to the very top with JUNK. Finally we cleaned it out one day, and i mean she just had so much crap it was unbelievable. And we knew it was 7 years because there were assignments from highschool still in her trunk lol. She told me she definitely noticed a difference when breaking.

I personally drive a 5 speed focus, and I rarely speed. 55 gives you the max fuel economy your car can offer, so i try to stay around there. You might not like it, but this is where we are headed.

oh and one last thing i'd like to add - What's with the argument that organisms like us can't change the earth in such a way? I thought the only reason we have oxygen is because the very FIRST organisms made it that way? sure it was over the course of millions of years, but still, with the way we're pumpin it out what's to say we really can't make a profound impact?
The actual efficient speed is different from vehicle to vehicle but it is generally in the 50s or 60s mphs. There are also as many theories about how the world/universe was created as there are theories about global warming. And unfortunately the facts on both are about as clear.
Posted on Reply
Well I did go from driving this car to riding this bike....Went from 8 miles to the gallon to over 40 MPG. Still have the car, although it does not go anywhere except back and forth across the street for the street cleaner...So I am doing my part for reducing my consumption...I'm not going to stop getting high-perf PC components though.
Posted on Reply
chronI dont know if someone brought it up already, but aparently if everyone in the US gave their car a tuneup, and had propper tire preasure, the energy saved would equal the ammount saved if we switched to corn ethanol. Why shouldn't our government make sure people are on top of these minor things? Hell there's seatbelt and helmet laws aren't there? Which do you think is more nosey? Making sure you wear your seatbelt to protect yourself, or making sure the air in your tires is correct to (i dont know if protect is the right word) but protect those around you...

Either way, theres tiny steps we can take, it doesn't need to be drastic. Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.
I guess you haven't heard but ethanol is less efficient than gasoline meaning you have to burn more of it to get the same power. It is a farce. Like the efficient toilets you have to flush 3 times to get all your crap down the hole.

Why do you think BIG government is the key? Have they ever done anything right? Yeah just what I want, monthly inspection stickers. Just another tax in the name of saving the planet. Baby steps too often get exploited and end up applying to things you would never think of.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
tkpenaltyThis is what happens:

We who believe in Global warming use scientific sources to prove our point.

Then you guys who deny it deny the facts without any scientific backup. NICE JOB.

That image you denied proves even if the world blows up you still wont believe it :rolleyes:.

provide me with a source that states that that graph is not 100% accurate?

Provide me with a source that states that "Global Warming" is different to "Climate Change" in every way

and finally, provide me with a SCIENTIFIC source that states that climate change is not being accelerated by humans

GREED for MONEY. George W Bush, basically was a smart idiot. He was smart that he had a presedential campaign that had less taxes to win the election, compared to Al Gore. But hes an idiot at the same time; his ways endangers the world by balantly ignoring, and educating the US against "Global Warming"

One question; why is it, that the people who deny such Global warming mainly come from the US? Does your education system even have "Climate change/global warming" as part of the Syllabus?

I really think, it is 100% impossible to convince you people.
Why do you feel that these climate changes are caused by man. I'm not the one that needs to bear the burden of proof, those that believe and support the global warming theory are the ones that bear the burden.

Besides, you clearly don't fully understand how theories and science works. You cannot prove that something does not exist. It's scientifically impossible.

The climate changes we are experiencing are NATURAL, until the Global warming camp proves otherwise. That chart is useless as proof, as we weren't around to measure the temps. It is just an estimation, NOT FACTS. Pretty hard to prove a theory with an estimate, isn't it?
Posted on Reply
Wile EThe climate changes we are experiencing are NATURAL, until the Global warming camp proves otherwise. That chart is useless as proof, as we weren't around to measure the temps. It is just an estimation, NOT FACTS. Pretty hard to prove a theory with an estimate, isn't it?
I bet you're the same type of person who claims evolution is false since what we are doing is using fossilized evidence to estimate the course of evolution.

Samples collected from the antarctic deep in ice beds which collect air from hudreds of years ago as snow is compressed is incredibly accurate. Dont dismiss what you dont know. Precisely what a lot of people do with global warming. I live in the UK, with some of the best universities in the world. I challenge someone to find a single university in the UK which teaches a course which does not claim anthropogenic global warming to be true.

Also, you dont take a innocent till proven guilty approach with science. You take your best guess. You can never prove global warming or evolution for that matter, but you can be pretty damn sure.

If I told you that global warming was likely to be true to a degree of 99%, would you dismiss this since it isnt incontrovertible evidence?

Of course this whole story has been blown out of all proprtiona anyway since this is a minor problem if true. Who doesnt throw away LCD screens properly? And even if you dont, how many do to actually make this a serious problem on the scale of pollution via industrial processes and cars?
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
ghost101I bet you're the same type of person who claims evolution is false since what we are doing is using fossilized evidence to estimate the course of evolution.

Samples collected from the antarctic deep in ice beds which collect air from hudreds of years ago as snow is compressed is incredibly accurate. Dont dismiss what you dont know. Precisely what a lot of people do with global warming. I live in the UK, with some of the best universities in the world. I challenge someone to find a single university in the UK which teaches a course which does not claim anthropogenic global warming to be true.

Also, you dont take a innocent till proven guilty approach with science. You take your best guess. You can never prove global warming or evolution for that matter, but you can be pretty damn sure.

If I told you that global warming was likely to be true to a degree of 99%, would you dismiss this since it isnt incontrovertible evidence?

Of course this whole story has been blown out of all proprtiona anyway since this is a minor problem if true. Who doesnt throw away LCD screens properly? And even if you dont, how many do to actually make this a serious problem on the scale of pollution via industrial processes and cars?
How do they know their samples are accurate? And I'm not sure on my take on evolution. I believe it to be feasible. But I don't believe in the Carbon dating of fossils. It's already proven to be extremely easy to fake. Remember the missing link fossil hoax? But that's neither here nor there.

I do not believe that global warming is a man caused problem. I believe it is naturally occurring. But no matter what you say, I will never believe temperatures derived from ice samples. It is completely impossible to prove them true.
Posted on Reply
Wile EHow do they know their samples are accurate? And I'm not sure on my take on evolution. I believe it to be feasible. But I don't believe in the Carbon dating of fossils. It's already proven to be extremely easy to fake. Remember the missing link fossil hoax? But that's neither here nor there.

I do not believe that global warming is a man caused problem. I believe it is naturally occurring. But no matter what you say, I will never believe temperatures derived from ice samples. It is completely impossible to prove them true.
I hope you dont believe in God. That would make you a hypocrite.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Wile EHow do they know their samples are accurate?
Posted on Reply
spacejunkyI guess you haven't heard but ethanol is less efficient than gasoline meaning you have to burn more of it to get the same power. It is a farce. Like the efficient toilets you have to flush 3 times to get all your crap down the hole.

Why do you think BIG government is the key? Have they ever done anything right? Yeah just what I want, monthly inspection stickers. Just another tax in the name of saving the planet. Baby steps too often get exploited and end up applying to things you would never think of.
lol you bring up a really good point. I usualy take dumps a man can be proud of, and when I'm on a toilet thats supposed to save water, I end up flushing it 3 - 4 times just as you said, so yeah what's the point?

And I was under the ignorant impression that corn ethanol = better mileage. MY BAD! :D

Speaking of saving the planet, I was thinking of this thread on the way to work today and I happened to notice all the people around me with their windows up, and compressors drippin (a/c goin) and it was 70-73 degrees outside. I'd say one out of every 10 cars around me had their windows down.
Posted on Reply
Wile EHow do they know their samples are accurate?
ROFL!! Thank you that made me laugh.
Wile EHow do they know their samples are accurate? And I'm not sure on my take on evolution. I believe it to be feasible. But I don't believe in the Carbon dating of fossils. It's already proven to be extremely easy to fake. Remember the missing link fossil hoax? But that's neither here nor there.

I do not believe that global warming is a man caused problem. I believe it is naturally occurring. But no matter what you say, I will never believe temperatures derived from ice samples. It is completely impossible to prove them true.
chronlol you bring up a really good point. I usualy take dumps a man can be proud of, and when I'm on a toilet thats supposed to save water, I end up flushing it 3 - 4 times just as you said, so yeah what's the point?

And I was under the ignorant impression that corn ethanol = better mileage. MY BAD! :D

Speaking of saving the planet, I was thinking of this thread on the way to work today and I happened to notice all the people around me with their windows up, and compressors drippin (a/c goin) and it was 70-73 degrees outside. I'd say one out of every 10 cars around me had their windows down.
: ( Its not my fault, the windows broken and won't come down. Although I don't use my A/C in under 90+% weather anyway. (I only drive the car because of good gas mileage)
Posted on Reply
ghost101I hope you dont believe in God. That would make you a hypocrite.
Camera starts in close at my skyward looking face, then pulls away sowly as I'm screaming, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! please don't turn this into a belief in god thread!!! :roll:
Posted on Reply
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for environmental protection, but I can't afford it. No matter how expensive petroleum may seem, it's still the cheapest stuff to get me around. I can barely afford the cheapest stuff, and a hybrid car is retarded to think of. Pay twice as much for an underpowered car? You just blew the money you won't spend on gas on your car payment instead. Electric cars are just as bad. You're not polluting with gas, but the power has to come from somewhere(ie, you're burning the coal elsewhere). Plugging it in drives up your electric bill, and paying for one of those fancy ones that sort of 'self charge' is really difficult.
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