Tuesday, August 12th 2008
NVIDIA Releases 177.83 Forceware, Offers Powerpacks
Strategically timed, NVIDIA released a new Forceware driver package, version 177.83 Forceware. This package weighing nearly 120 MB packs the PhysX API runtime, and brings about a host of changes. With this release, NVIDIA devised what is known as a "Powerpack" approach to deliver software and promote sales of its products. NVIDIA is giving away several goodies for free that are exclusive to users of the GeForce accelerators, most of them being exclusive demos of games such as Nurein, Metal Knight Zero. Warmonger, the full game is given away as a free download. Other parts of this pack includes the GeForce Folding @ Home client, a 30-day fully functional trial of the Badaboom Video Transcoding software and Unreal Tournament 3 PhysX mod. Two technology demos are also included. Users can customise on what should download, in essence make their own Powerpacks from what's available, following which depending on the web-browser used, the page launches an ActiveX or Java based download manager to deliver the software.
The NVIDIA Powerpack web page can be reached here.
The NVIDIA Powerpack web page can be reached here.
80 Comments on NVIDIA Releases 177.83 Forceware, Offers Powerpacks
When that happens physX will be installed regardless of Nvidia drivers. Right now PhysX has to be accessed through Nvidia Control panel which means installing nvidia drivers.
Just as you could have a ATI gfx card and use a Ageia PhysX card, you can have a ATI gfx card, with a cheap NVidia card that just the same.
Edit: Here is some information on the mod: whirlpool.net.au/wiki/?tag=Dell_SC430_42
I am currently downloading the rest of the pack.
This needs to be put up in the first post to clear people's questions .
Do i need to enable the Physx to work with my card? If so, where do i go to enable it?
Also should i run is standard mode? I have a 8600 GTS so i guess that not a lot of horsepower, so should i go with multi GPU?
I think you have a point. There will be a rise in sales of motherboards with GeForce 8200. People will use a decent primary card on the slot, the IGP does physx. Intel and AMD IGPs could be in for trouble.
Trying to work out if having an 8400GS for Physx will improve anything for people with a GTX200 series card. Something about built in CUDA...? :confused:
It was believed then that a GPU the level of Radeon X1300 could surpass the math crunching ability of the PhysX PPU.
edit: my Warmonger is 437MB and the one in nvidia page is 445MB. Says it's v2.1, maybe it's never then. Probably just NVIDIA PhysX stuff added, as the smaller version is everywhere else.