It's just a lower point WU, still needs to be processed and's still research. Sure your PPD might be lower, but it's still decent, I've dropped drastically too with an e8600 @ 4.5, e6300 @ 3.5, 9600GT and 260GTX, I average 11-14k PPD. Generally closer to the 12-13 range.
Grind through it, which if having a score is good to you, not doing any WU's at all is even worse than doing one that gives low points. They'll get it sorted, but there's a reason they want these done, and I'm definately gonna help how I can...if I lose PPD and overall score, oh well...could be worse, I could not be folding at all, and not helping to possibly find a cure. So far the clients have been very stable, so no complaints from me!