In those games PhysX is the physics engine in use.
Anyway, did you praise the ones in Oblivion?? You can't blame an engine because of how it has been used in a game...
I have said it already. There's almost no game using it to all it's extension because.
a) Intel and AMD have tried so hard to ban PhysX from games.
b) because of the comments from so many people anong the lines seen here. If developers see that people don't care about physics they will not spend their time implementing anything.
My comment was not for those who don't care about physics (good for them), is for those who seem to want some better physics and at the same time are bashing PhysX, which has been delivering exactly what they wanted since it's creation, but could never be implemented because of the points above.
And my post was directly directed at those spilling BS about that PhysX can't do this or that. It can do everything that Havok can do on the CPU and much much more when on the GPU (until now, we'll see). I'm in no way saying this Havok GPU implementation is worse than PhysX, but I can almost say it won't be better either. Thing is we don't know.
DON'T expect this other implementation to be implemented more than PhysX, as it will face the same problems, unless Intel really wants it implemeted, which would be very suspicious. It's coming 1-2 years later so it will take time nevertheless.
All in all, my post was regarding the BS about PhysX (that it is flawed, no collision, etc), and not saying it's any better than other engines. GPU physics is much better than any CPU based physics and PhysX is just a very good one that has already proven itself. On the other hand, this Havok implementation still needs to demostrate if it has what it takes. Yet all of you are already praising it as if it was the Godsend and at the same time bashing PhysX, with clueless allegations. I wonder if it has anything to do with who is releasing it??
I don't care if it's PhysX or is Havok or is any other one the physics implementation that wins, but I want it NOW already and PhysX is the only one that can do it right now. Thats why I support it, why I have always supported it, not because of who it belongs. On the other hand is pretty clear the bias that most of you guys have. GPU physics was a waste of time until yesterday, but it just takes one newspost to make it the best thing ever and now everybody wants massive physics, fluids and whatnot. That is, the same things that Ageia was doing 4 years ago and Nvidia was capable of doing since the adquisition, but this time in the hands of someone else. Because, you are not happy because this is an open standard, because it's not, nor because it's free for the developers, because it's not, nor because it's a better implementation, because you don't know. You are happy because it's AMD, period. And that's plain and simply biased.
Just to finish, tell me which PhysX demos you have seen, because it's pretty clear for me you didn't see anyone. There are tons of videos in youtube if you can't see them directly on a Nvidia GPU.