Question for those Folding on XP with ATI:
What is your experience with Cat. 9.3? I am seeing a reduction in PPD that is infuriating. I am not seeing a reduction in CPU utilization as some have reported. Here's what I've seen: 511 Wu dropped from 2439 to 2122 and the 384 from 3040 to 2633. That's roughly a 13% drop! So, while others are seeing an increase, I'm going the other way!

I went back to the 9.2's and saw the same PPD's, so this may have to do with the project download for FAHMON which gave more points to some of the Nvidia WU's. I've tried to register at THE FAH forum but for some reason it will not sent me an activation e-mail.

I've wanted to ask mhouston some pointed questions.

The only change to the machine that this is running on is that I dropped the RAM from 2 to 1 GB, but the amount of RAM does not seem to make a difference. Yes, I did the 9.3 install, the hotfix, the copy and re-name, and deleted the core. My ATI clients used to be rock solid, but I've gotten up to VPU recovery crashes (it used to VPU recover and keep on going) the last 2 nights that has cost me at least 500 points per night!
So, are the benefits only with Vista? I have a copy of Vista here that I could install, but I don't want to spend the time if it's not worth it.