I was unsuccuessful in finding what the error in LinX I was getting, I was wondering if anyone can suggest anything else. I am able to get the Base clock up to 208 with a 19 multiplier and it will post and boot into windows fine. I can run 3dmark 06 and vantage fine. Now I tried what chickenpatty recommanded, I lowered the QPIlink speed to slow mode, and it went from 3900mhz to 2300ish, and that did not work I still got the error within 10 minutes of running LinX. I ran Memtest +86 2.11 and my memory passed 2 full tests, it was running at 1640ish when it's stock rating is 1333mhz at 1.5v 9-9-9-24. I have it at 16940mhz 9-9-9-24 at 1.60v. Now I can not lower my QPI Link speed at all, since I have no control over the multiplier there. I also tried lower my memory and uncore multipliers, from 4 and 8 respectly, to 3 and 6. Now the computer would not post nor boot. Then I tried 3 multi memory and 7 uncore, no luck> I am going to try more, but I do not know where this error is from and how to fix it. I also have not done a full prime 95 test, it ran fine for 30 minutes, but I will be letting it run loonger and see where it goes. Now also with my mulitplier of CPU at 20, I can not get my base clock over 186mhz. I have tried increasing all the voltages and still no luck with getting it over 190 with a 20 multi, any ideas? A few posts ago I listed my BIOS settings, I do not have them infront of me now.