It could be you!
This downward trend is not looking good.I was asked by a TPU WCG member if I was going to stay or return to XS and I said I would stay,unless TPU commitment started to wane.
I like to wander from team to team to help and see what other teams are like.I always return to XS because they are one of two teams that I've been on that makes a serious and dedicated contribution to something I truly believe is important.I would like to see that kind of commitment here.I just got home from a fishing trip and see a loss in contribution for five straight days.Mine hasn't dropped and I haven't been home from Wed until today.Folks,that's 40 computers going 24/7
Every day I see myself making 30%-40% of team total.That's with a membership of 56 and around 40 members with better than average machines.For a site this big we should be making a lot bigger splash.
So I am starting a challenge.
Every week I will post one of my machines numbers in the format shon at the bottom taken from
If you have an identical CPU and can beat my numbers for the eight days shown I will put that machine on your account for eight days.Since I see a few members with i920 we'll start with one of those.Mine runs at 3900 on air.Let's see some of those 4+ghz machines beat it.
If I can't be beaten in eight weeks I will be moving on to another team as yet unknown.
Post any challenges in RAMMIIE's challenge.