@ fit, i cant do anything until you tell me what you want...like i understand HOW I need to do it but you need to tell me what you want the design to be of...
@anyone, im stuck on this request that I got through the website...it would be great if someone could help me out
Name : Demi Chan
Theme : Violet Vendetta
Service being requested : Custom Logo
Did you donate? : Sorry but no, I'm a student.
Your Request (Tell us what you want): I'd like to request a custom graphic logo for a story I'm writing. It's called Violet Vendetta and is action/sci-fi but also classic fantasy. I would like the theme to be purple, featuring two V's for Violet Vendetta, obviously. I love Imperialreign's portfolio image, that might be the style I'm looking for. Your site is the best I've seen so far, please get back to me. =D