Well, somewhat of a update... I was going to place the system inside the MM case, but I got to thinking that I should wait till I get my wiring done at lease.. So, I hope by the end of the weekend I'll do it all.. I feel like just crashing after I get home from work at 7pm...
I really like the hdd bracket's that I got. Quite nice to see that I didn't have to paint the rails.. lol, I wish I I had the other rail.. lol..
I should have the other one tomorrow thank god.
All I can say is "living in the fast lane" Woot Woot!
Now, there is going to be a silte problem when having the drive bays full with the two hdds.. How am I going to place the front bay cover, in which I love, in there? Solution, I'm going to drill two holes in each side of Bay sides, so I can screw in the extenders and still have the bay cover in there.. Yeah, the hdds will stick a little more out, but I really don't think it will be a problem... Unless, I can think of a way to place them in there besides that.. Any idea? Open to thoughts.... Almost thought of using the hdd fan plates on the fan of the mobo tray, and just placing the drives there.. but I'm trying to shorten the loop...
All right, so I'm thinking of that... I took the fans off the rad, and top off so I can try seeing where, or how, to do that custom top... Snag on problems... Here, pictures show it.
It looks that the only way I can place the res above the top, like I want, is to place the rad in a strange placement like I show... The Custom top would... I don't know, be just a flat top with a hole at the end... but then the fans would blow downward... Only exhaust being the back of the case... I don't know... Your guys thoughts???
So, that's where I am now... Only thing I got good going for me.. This
Yep, black on/off buttons with Blue rings around the button!