Here's something to rant about:
Twilight fans
I was recently persuaded into reading the books by a lass I fancied and while my grammar and spelling are far from perfect those books were PAINFUL to read, seriously the grammar is atrocious. There is next to no plot, you can summarize 2000 pages or whatever the total is into five short sentences:
Bella falls in love with Edward after he saves her life. (Twilight) Edward buggers off elsewhere and she takes notice of Jacob. Edward tries to kill himself after coming to the conclusion that she was dead. (New moon) Edward and Bella get married. On their Honeymoon Edward sleeps with her, she gets pregnant and gives birth to a half vampire baby thing. (Breaking Dawn)
I don't hate the book, I just hate the type of girl who obsesses over it, when a book can cause such a long list of incidents as this:
there is something seriously wrong (sorry for bad grammar, GCSE English has decreased my capability in both spelling and grammar it would seem).
Nothing wrong with girls who enjoy it as a book, 4 of my best friends all enjoyed reading it (although one slightly more than the others, I'm trying to convince her she's NOT a fangirl), the constant references they make to it though are ridiculous. Although the abuse it receives from some of the lads at school is really quite bad (one of my best mates shoved the third one down his boxers and had someone else take a photo of it, I then had to explain to my ex what happened before giving her a replacement).
This has been a rant post from Crazy Pyro