What can I say folks? They only beat us by 2k yesterday, we've extended the overtake time to 1.2 years from 4.5 months. We need to keep this up, we're all doing a freaking awesome job and answering the call.
Nyahh! You seem to be out of my reach mx500, you're hitting 46k as per EoC stats. I'll have my third place pie yet. As for the rest of you, do you realize the top 10 now has a 20k + requirement? Just weeks ago it was 8k+. Bogi is hitting 83k, Buck hitting 113k. Amazing numbers guys, I'll get myself back up there.
Good work everyone!!
Milestones Today
AthlonX2 passes 300,000
bogmali passes 6,000,000
Crazybc passes 200
deathmore passes 250,000
Dustyshiv passes 1,300,000
EnergyFX passes 50,000
heky passes 200
hertz9753 passes 100,000
Homeless passes 300,000
JayliN passes 5,000
Lampmaster passes 350,000
Mr._Anonymous passes 200
ShiBDiB passes 50,000
skotosa passes 30,000
TheMailMan78 passes 6,000
Milestones Yesterday
CamelJock passes 2,000,000
dhoshaw passes 150,000
EnergyFX passes 40,000
everydayiloveu passes 25,000
hertz9753 passes 70,000
IRA_FBi passes 30,000
JayliN passes 1,000
NastyHabits passes 150,000
skotosa passes 20,000
twilyth passes 8,000
Today's list is 5 lines longer than the prior days! And I think we've got 4 milestones that are mentionables, so I better get started. I'm starting with you today only because you're at the top of the list. The rest is pure coincidence. Bogmali blasts past 6 million PPD today in a brazen show of silicon. The amount of electronics this man must have to bend to his will to achieve these numbers show traits that are beginning to mirror those of our glorious leader Buck. He's already made threats of activities that could be mistaken as usurping our glorious leader. Could he have more planned? What more will we see from Bogi?
Next down the list is deathmore hitting a brilliant 250k today, showing the world that, uh, eh, he hits 250k today. Congrats, and here's hoping for more.
EnergyFX hits 50k with ease now that he's got the added power of his gaming rig spurring the efforts. With your current numbers, I bet you could hit 250k before you revert the GTX 280s back. Well, here's hoping anyways.
I'm blind and have skipped over hertz9753 in the list. But anyways, he accounts for our 4th notable milestone tonight as he brings in 100k with ease. Why with ease? Because just 5 days ago, he joined our ranks. A wolf in sheep's clothing, this newcomer casually slaughters all in his path upward. Fold on you crazy mother.
Winners of the MPA!
Bogmali| 09/09/09
msgclb| 09/09/09
Feel free to check my findings, I sometimes miss people
Hehe, some guys got booted but good. Also, mx500 makes a return the stage all righteous like. I imagine that when you guys see the MPA picture you get all starry eyed and wistful. You yearn for nothing more than the award. I mean who wouldn't? Look at it. Its got a nice crisp white background and delectable, yet peculiarly shiny, pie. What's not to like?