It's taking so long because I can't decide on if I should just use the one 300w psu and use the extra space for it's heatsink or if I should use the space to add the extra 12v 150w auxiliary psu. Tonight I was fitting the 150w in there but I'll have to custom make 2 small heatsinks for it.
Pros and cons of adding the 150w.
-gfx load removed from main psu
-main psu runs cooler
-additional labor required to make the heatsinks for the aux psu. (it's a pain)
-main psu's heatsink will need to be reduced ~50-75%
-smaller fan for the main psu
-case fan not very effective in cooling the aux psu.
Here's the heatsink I would be using if I went with a single psu. I would cut out the center so the fan sits flush with the top of the fins. A hole would be cut in the bottom of the case. Doing it this way the main psu gets very good cooling but again, the aux psu is eliminated.
One great thing about doing it this way is that the case fan on the left front of the case would blow outwards and take the psu heat right out.