How about deleting our little Conversation about Viruses, so User can get back to Topic.
(In this Case, my questions, why I dont get SLI to work, now that I have two similar Grafikboards.)
Ok. I will tell you about the steps I made.
I first installed SLIStringinstaller 2.0 one Month ago on Windows 7 x64.
Then I got my second 8800GT and builded it in: it was not detected right, and there was a new beta Dirver out, the second 196.xx. So I installed. After this I installed Sli Patch 0.2. I rebooted, I could chosse "Windows 7 x64 Sli" in Bootloader.
In Windows, there was no Option in Nvidia Control Panel to activate.
GPU-Z said "Disabled".
Then I installed drivers 191.xx 195.xx and used SLI Patch 0.42 and 0.5. (Can´t remenber in which order)
Same Results.
Like I already said above:
my two 8800Gt´s are not identical. One is an Jetway, the other one is Point of View. Also their Boards have different size. But I flashed them with the same Bios. They both have 512MB, but GPU-Z always show that the card on the second slot, no matter which one it is, only has 256 MB.
And the Nvidia Control Panel doesn´t even let me choose my second card for PhysX Acceleration. I can only Enable, Disable. Once I had a 8400 in second slot, I could choose which one for PhysX usage.
Additional Questions: What do you mean with "run the install.cmd from command line"? Why not doubleclicking the File?
What is "Test Mode"? Sorry, I´m German.
Another Problem I had always with disabeling UAC, when I did it Windows still asked stupid Questions. But now I did it via Registry, I think it is quite now.