Well this is a shock, maybe they think the worlds average temputures are dropping and its turning into the artic everywere.
We will just wait till the summer time to start seeing theads popping up because of overheating issues on TPU.........
I have my q9550 stock heatsink right here, and its already so dam small, that it barly ways more then the chip itself. But now they cut it down by 3-5 more milmeters and its epic thin and they made it were there is less fin surface area then before, i bet that fan spins super fast
Anyways. It justs makes it were maybe there afraid of people overclocking there chips, and making it were the average new overclocker wont even try to raise it a 1Mhz because it might overheat

Just a sad kind of heatsink they have now. And yet AMD is pumping out heatpipe coolers for there Unlocked Phenom Chips that are somewhat better by a mile stone, and ontop of the that Phenom Chips seem to be more and more for the overclocker then Intel's scrape of cooling on 500 dollar chips kind of setup. I say I was Intel before because, I just love how high GIGAHORTS you can hit with a Intel chip on some water or air, Its always seemed easy to me.
Terrable i say.