Check out this rivatuner screenshot after playing Serous Sam HD TSE for a couple of minutes. Yes, that is with an HR-03 GTX, unisink, and a 1900rpm S-flex.
Hey Babs

The high vrm temps rears it's ugly head again!
Kind of glad I can't read mine, I don't want to know what they are

I've got SS HD as well, brings back memories from when I had SS1 and 2 a few years ago. Still a fun game.
I was going to suggest something I did on my 280/HR-03 a while back. I experimented with some different fan combos, the most effective for me was when I mounted TWO Skythe 120's on the HR-03 with straps. There is a photo somewhere back in this enormous thread. It seemed to help the overall cooling.
Another suggestion would be to use one honkin' 120x38mm fan such as a Panaflow M1 for more airflow compared to the single Skythe fan. That worked better for me when I tested it on the T-Rad2 I tried.
Just a thought anyhow. As for me, I still have the 275sli setup, but I am using the stock coolers for now because I had to rma one of the 275's that PSOD'ed then died shortly after I installed the infamous Nvidia 196.75 card killer driver. Both cards were working great before. EVGA sent a working 275 pronto, no issues after that. With a different driver, of course:shadedshu
Looks like OnBoard is not going to have any heat issues for now, that 5770 is a slick, cool-running card, even better with his custom sink job, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Hopefully you can get those temps down, but there is only so much you can do to cool a 280, on air anyway