well if its not the hardware, its the software... which also tends to suck.
look at the steam to mac thing... every game they ported is many years old, yet still runs like crap and looks far worse than PC.

Interesting, because IIRC, OS X has a newer source engine than the windows counterpart currently. Portal plays Fantastic on my Macbook Pro, as does HL2.
I have seen good Mac labs, and good PC labs. I have seen bad mac labs, and bad PC labs. I have seen good cars wrecked, I have seen bad cars wrecked.
All platforms, os x, linux, windows, are equally capable, and have strengths and weaknesses of their own. It all comes down to the driver(USER), their preference, skill, and usability style. Someone skilled in XX operating system/hardware platform can make a network, game, or program run effectively. Especially quoting a platform that has recently been ported, and is still immature, yet making very very quick and progressive strides to being equal and/or superior in ways.
I've only managed to see one bring the average IQ of post contribution from hate drop to an average of three though. Please keep arguments justified, and information based as a whole. Blind bashing really gets old.
Regardless of products, Apple is doing an excellent job market-value wise. They had a stock price of $59 a pop a few years ago. look at the success they've had. Now they're up to $251. They're doing something right.
Google currently lists MSFT@ 227bil, AAPL at 229 bil. They are both very close.