You must be really pissed that I bought them for looks, rather than function, then.
I mean really...all I wanted was black and red...everything else in my rig, besides the mobo is!
And really, my comment had nothing to do with what they cost, really, other than for that price, they best be some of the very best possible...'cause otherwise I woulda gone with some of the Partriot red/black sticks...they are far shorter, and I could used my TRUE instead of having to go with the H50.
I already got everything else that might offer better'll be nice when they finally release the Crosshair extreme, so I can finally get it all together. If I hadn't bought the ram when I did, it would have cost me $50 a set more!
I haven't bought SSD's for the rig yet...was hoping in the meantime they might some out with something better...
And really...everything is red/black...even the lachesis I got now...need to replace the keyboard with something red/black too...although I think I'll end up modding to get teh look I want.