Got a shock today on a 300w psu. was open and i touched underneath while grabbing it. Still alive.

Anyway I got heavier shock with a car battery lol
Got an old P3 667mhz coppermine , 20gigs, will put 3 X 128 megs rams in it and board D815EEA everything onboard. Thinking about gettho modding it in the locker room in a drawer or screw it to the wall and add wireless to it

Gonna be good if im outside repairing my car.
Hell yeah you did!
There are 300Volt+ capacitors in some PSU's.... I'm talking about playing with the cables
Those on the OUTSIDE (The ones you you would normally connect to the components of your pc) are virtually completely harmless, providing you don't do anything stupid like short them out...
The Junk on the INSIDE connects directly to mains power dude - those AINT for playing with, and I'm quite certain ARE quite dangerous.
...Unless its really REALLY fun
I remember a few months ago I was trying to reassemble my smashed camera CanonA720IS - (and actually succeeded) - the batteries had been out for a few days and when I was working near the flash capacitor it thwacked me so hard I involuntarily threw the camera across the room and smashed it up even more - it burned pictures of the circuit board terminals into my fingers.
Assuming now that this damn thing had had it's fun with me and discharged I continued to now attempt to RE-Re-assemble the camera during which process it smacked me a further 7 ffking times!
Every time leaving me assuming OK - SURELY it hasn't got any juice left... Although obviously the zaps did get significantly weaker as I went along - It really almost became a game of "Can I do this without getting hit again"
Point is that flash capacitors can be well over 1000Volts - and those big caps can hold a charge for quite some time... Even the ones in small cameras...