Sexy stuff but it deserves a better camera
gaaah i only had some old crappy point adn shoot shit laying around
DON didnt you have an i7 rig?? why downgrade was you i7 that bad?? dont get me wrong the maximus 2 is a great board much better than the original maximus and the maximus3 but down graDING?? I really hope to see som 600fsb numbers from you on that setup its capable thats for sure
i first downgraded to a PII 965 setup, then a month later i got a laptop instead as im starting in school to study again, and then a laptop is better for me there
but some weeks ago KieX offered me a Q9550 for a good price, and i thought i might build a dedicated cruncher just for the fun of it
so ive been looking for a nice board for some days now, and i found one yesterday for cheap
but it seems like he really hasnt used it or he is a cleaning maniac lol
i got the Maximus II Formula, the E8400 and the 4x1gb dominators for around 220$, that was pretty fair for me.
and there is still a few months warranty left on the mem and mb