I wanted to take a moment to comment on that single massive 100.4A 12V rail. I've been seeing a backlash against multiple 12V designs, and I feel some comment from me is timely; though I've written about this before. As of right now, this is the largest single 12V design I've tested, with the Silverstone Zeus ZM1200M coming in a close second and Ultra's X4 1200W unit coming in third. I have mixed feelings about this. One one hand, I know why the single 12V rail is there and how it came to be in the marketplace. But on the other hand, it makes me a mite nervous. 100.4A is an awful lot of current. You can melt the insulation on some seriously thick gauge wires with that, never mind the 18-16 gauge wires most power supplies this size use to connect to your computer parts. Direct short circuits shouldn't be too much a problem, but what if something doesn't fail in a direct short? What if something partially fails, starts drawing massive 12V current through three or four small wires, and yet doesn't overdraw that 100.4A rail? There is a risk factor here when you start getting 12V rails this huge, people, whether you're talking about a Corsair, Ultra, PC Power and Cooling, or any other company's single 12V design. It's still a reasonably minor risk on a well built unit like this, but a risk is present nonetheless. My rambling point is this - multiple 12V rails aren't the devil, folks, especially on units that can pull more power out of the wall than your toaster.