Sorry for the double post, but I think this post deserves a slot for itself.
Usually you help people out on here and you ask them if they need something. Even if at no cost, you at least usually ask. Well, you know how far people go to help and what kind of people are still left in this world when you get something sent to you without even asking, something you need as well!
Boy, and aren't we lucky to have people like that here. Over time I've been amazed at the countless times the amazing members of TPU have been willing to help at no cost at all to me, and today from what I see it continues.
I had posted a few times I had issues with HDD's and stuff on my 3rd rig and people suggested a flash drive to run Windows off there so I don't need a HDD. Well today I walk in the door from work and find a envelope on my dining room table from Newegg. I'm freakin' stunned at this point because I have not ordered anything whether from them or anywhere. So I open it to find this inside:
Really, whether it's something that's a dollar or something that's $1,000, I am just speechless at what members of this community are willing to do for others.
By the way, no I know by what FIH DON meant when he told me on Facebook the other day that he had something for me.