It was crazy year. In this year i got learn make websites. I never think i do this kind of work. I must say this job for not lazy men. A long time ago when i can nothing of that i can now i started my PC adventures with system programming. And i am still system programmer i think. I'm writing 3rd operating system. When morning i go to work, after work i go home and do that work i like. And i would really happy if it's enough to sleep 2 hours. Sometimes wife's offended on me i work a lot. She's think that. But i just want to make she's happy. Also i wanted to make the patch completely before new year to all of you. It's something like present. Sorry if somebody dont have sli works now. I tried as i can. We'll sort out these problems in next year. And i want to wish all of you that you always have enough time to make everything you want. Thanks for your test and Happy New Year!
Anatolymik, first of all,
HUGE thank you for all your great and selfless job, I do deeply admire you and yours skills, both as programmer and as a person.
Besides that, and even if this piece of advice may harm my interests in using sli with no problems at all, I humbly advice you to spend more time with your wife and your beloved ones, and to sleep more aswell. Life is amazingly short and may have some ungrateful surprises on the road, so don't missuse your time in things that are not urgent.
I mean, of course I want to have the best sli patch possible, but not at the price of you giving up your personal/private life. We all can wait 1 week/month more to have new improved versions released, no one will die and no one will lose its happyness for that, but may be you and your relatives will instead. We here are talking 'bout "material goods", true life just goes the other way around...
This is just my ubber humble and selfless advice, and just another way of saying...