Hey guys! I am a long time lurker and just joined to ask a few questions.
I have a XFX 6950 BIOS modded to a Sapphire 6970 and it's 100% stable in my testing, in fact I can overclock it higher if I want to. Now my question is that should I be worried about my card dying out? I have had it for a few days and I played some games (Metro 2033, Crysis, WoW, etc.) and all are rock solid and the videocard seems to be solid as well. Should I just mod it to a 6950 with the shaders unlocked only? Thanks let me know. Also what seems to be the failure rates on these cards when flashed? There is a thread about this on this forum but the options don't allow to choose a "6950 flashed to 6970 and stable" option which doesn't really answer my question.
Thanks for all your help in advance.
EDIT: Prior to posting, I ran OCCT for 1 hour with error check and 0 errors returned so far, will run it again next week, than after that a month later if my card survives :-/