@ Jiraya, since you don't need math here is for you readers who wants a simpel explanation
Just to remove any doubts about the stats on Tech Power Up.
When comparing indexes it's very important to remember that you have to have the same reference (the 100% speed) for it to make sense.
The difference in percent between two cards is actually the Difference in percent of the reference card's speed
A car analogy: If the reference car top speed is 100kph then a 10percent difference is 10kph but if the reference car top speed is 200kpm then a 10 percent difference is 20kph.
In the first case if the reference is 100kph and the two top cars top speeds are 180 and 200kph (20kph difference) then their relative speeds will be 180% and 200% respectively. That means 20 % difference in relation to the reference car's speed, not to each other.
If the 200kph car is the reference (100%) then the 180kpm car will have a relative speed of 90% (and the 100kph car will be at 50%) and the 180kph car is shown to be 10% slower
If the 180kpm car is the reference then the 200kpm car will acctually have a ralative speed of 111%, 11% faster not 10% because 200/180 is 1,1111...
nuf said.
So where can I buy this card in Europe? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Kind Regards