MetalRacer|2 X HD5970's|980/1250|47179|i7 980X @ 4.61GHz
Lock down your QPI Frequency with your Memory Controller frequency. Added memory bandwidth, and more performance. Locking down the Memory Controller with your QPI Quick path will allow for a more linear data path for your memory and qpi to talk to eachother. Your score should go up by doing this! Give it a shot and post back!!!!
Ideal rate
QPI Data Rate @ 7218Mhz /2 = 3609Mhz
Memory Controller Data Rate @ 3609Mhz
QPI Rate Divided By Memory controller data rate = 1:1 Ratio.
I may be getting ahead of myself. I'll do some further experimentation to find the ideal ratio for best performance. 1:1 ratio is ideal for any configuration for compatibility and linearity. So far I have come to a post-conclusion of a non-linear QPI/Northbridge ie memory controller data rate may perform better by a tiny amount. This is only a little research. When i get home from work I'm going to do some hands on testing and post results. With what tests I have done personal in regards to Everest/ AIDA64s memory/ cpu cache benchmark. Linear QPI/ Northbridge ratios equal better performance across the board compared to 3207 northbridge frequency and 7218 qpi. More is better. If you can boot at 8821 qpi and 4411 northbridge frequency that will give your memory an additional 10GB/s of memory bandwidth and approximately 20+ Additional CPU Cache GB/s.