Heres a couple of pics of my PC ATM. Just moved into my new place, so have been setting everything up.
I'm an insane audiophile, so obviously I had to include some shots of (not all of) my music gear.
The rig (and desk) itself...
And another pic of the rig...
This rig is going through an overhaul at the moment. I'm cutting out a side window, as well as routing holes at the far side for cable management. Hopefully I'll have a few pics of this soon!
Heres a pic of my beautiful Audiogram6, nice budget USB mixer. The Fujitsu laptop itself is just a bag of shite.... only used as a remote access for a couple of dedicated game servers I host, as well as being a slave rig for Guitar Rig 4.0... Hooked into the guitar amp alongside it.
And heres a pic of some of my Audio gear.
The halfstack is a Hughes and Kettner Warp 7 100w head, going thru a 4x12 cab with Celestions and a 2x12 with Fane speakers that I built myself. The pedal on top is a Boss DS1 distortion, which I only use as a mid boost for solos. The drumkit is a Session Pro. Unfortunately I can't have my acoustic kit in this apartment. :shadedshu
And finally, a pic of it all....
Kudos to anyone who noticed the AMD Athlon rig hung on the wall.