Work/Unemployment dilemma.
Now - Ive been given some good news. I have been offerd a job or at least a work trial working behind the bar at one of my through one of my mums contacts whose daddy aparently owns a huge massive business ranging from food and drink logistics, restaurants and some IT related stuff but theres a lot lot lot more then just that and i wont know how big the business is until i go and see them on Thursday.
I was first offerd a job in their logistics department delivering food/drink to restaurants but it appears that daddys girl wants to keep me away from doing hard labour.
Now ive done logistics before and id rather be doing the hard labour as they start before 9am and finish about 12pm.... BUT I have been taken away from that and I now have to learn how to mix drinks behind a bar.
I know youre thinking it sounds good. but it gets even worse - I have to do monday to saturday from 11am-11pm (72hrs p/w) but on a lighter note, they pay cash in hand. and because daddys girl recommended me to daddy i hit the ground running and start off with full pay while training.
NOW aparently there are loads of people that are trying to get this job, and secondly the boss doesnt let ANYONE work in this restaurant unless they are recommended to him. so the fact that hes willing to give me a chance to jump the que and get into it when there are loads of people fighting for the job is really something.
But i dont want to do a fucking 72hr week

If i manage to drag it out for a year and kiss some butt along the way, i might be able to transfer to the IT side of the business.
but the 72hr per week hurdle still stands and i really dont want to put myself through this but at the same time. im unemployed and the fact that mum managed to get me a prized job through her contacts is again something that would be rude to turn down.
so its either waste my life being unemployed and having all the time in the world or i can kiss it all goodbye and waste it making drinks behind a bar and earn so much money i wont be able to enjoy it on my time off because id be too busy sleeping.
what a bridge to cross