Not trying to get too much off topic but how do you like the high end Nvidia cards? Right now I am at a crossroads for my next build this year.. I don't know if I should be going with AMD or Nvidia. I just want to get a lot of opinions on the newer Nvidia cards to see if they are stable and decently cool.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Well I definetly think ATI/AMD won last round with their 5800 series. The 6900 series is great too. Coming from a guy who has owned both series. I just sold off two HD6950's and they were great cards. But they did not feel like much of an upgrade from last AMD/ATI gen. The biggest difference was how easily they went through Tessellation compared to the 5800 series. The HD6900 seires also runs very warm. I will tell you though that they do run games very smoothly for the most part though. They also run DX 9 games smoother than my GTX 580's do.
But the GTX 500 series definetly won me over so far this year. I will have to say for pure brut force and power these babies are crazy. They also don't run as warm as the ATI/AMD cards do this gen. As well as even though the HD 6900 series gained allot of tessellation performance.... the GTX 500 series still has them beat. For eample two HD 6950's vs. Two GTX 580's in Heaven benchmark. While sure I know the GTX 580's are more powerful regaurdless.... they also just seem to cut through the tessellation with ease compared to the HD6950's.
I would say if you are buying last gen.... go ATI.... If you are buying this gen Go Nvidia.... But once.... ATI new arcitechure matures.... I think the following gen we will see a real hard core street fight between Nvidia and ATI!!! Hope this helps