Will try this new driver of course, although I don't think it will solve the SLIPatch + 3D Vision problem (although I wish it'll do).
Yesterday I re formatted hard disk reinstalled Win7x64 SP1, installed mobo (maximus 2 formula) drivers, 257.21 drivers combo (which is the only that works, although with bad sync), and tested the thing of USB2, result? nothing changes, completely out of sync except in 100 Hz which is still out of sync but "playable" with flickering each several seconds, which in fact renders it non-playable...
Tried also 270.61, and 266.58 combo. OS freeze as soon as I try to activate 3D with SLI enabled. With the last combo (266.58) I have tested SLIPatch 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.42. It freezes always.
I am beginning to desesperate, maybe I have to throw my system through the window...
What we know until now:
1. It hangs with dx9 not with dx10, as lokhup reports. I'll check myself when I have some free time (maybe today).
2. It hangs only when using the emitter, not 3D Vision Discover (red and cyan glasses)
3. The drivers 257.21 seems the only that avoid the freeze, although they show other problems (bad sync) which I think are not related to SLIPatch.
4. It is not a problem of certain gpu model/generation, as it has been found for GTX260, GTX285 and GTX470 (
5. It does not seem a problem of certain chipset/mobo as it has been found in Maximus II Formula (P45) and in X58 (see link above). Note: I have PM'd the OP of the topic linked asking confirmation and details of his experience and I have not received any answer yet.
6. It does not seem to be related to the different protections nvidia had in each driver, as it freezes no matter which version of SLIPatch is used.
7. It does not seem a protection of nvidia, because for some people it works correctly.
IMO, the point 2 is the most interesting, as it shows that it is not a graphic/gpu problem of compatibility generating the two stereo frames in SLI with SLIPatch: it works, and it works perfectly. The bug/problem comes when it has to activate the USB IR emitter and/or show the frames alternatively with SLIPatch installed!
Anatolymik, does these details say something to you? Could it be possible to find the problem, or even make a fix?
I don't know if I miss something, but if you have some other comments, please add. Maybe it could be found something interesting or helpful to fix this "bug".
EDIT: Added 7th point