I got my Digital Premium Steam Edition Yesterday..OK,maybe I will hurt the feelings of a lot of you from this thread,but...Im not entirely impressed with the game.I can run the game even with everything max and uber sampling on,though its about 15-20 FPS away from smooth play(purely because of the uber sampling),its enough to see the graphics on full.its not that super amazing graphics wise as everybody praised.to be completely fair with the competition(once again graphic wise)..the cut scenes(graphic wise again) are a big let down,the characters movements are very far from being realistic,I wont even mention the lips -synchronization and lip movements are sometime ridiculous...lets talk now game play - this side of the story is OK,except,as others already mentioned before,when you come across with a group of foes,you better take your time to take them out,one by one,one hit then run style,other wise you get back stabbed all the time and die in no time..otherwise the game play is enjoyable,apart that I got a feeling that there will be lot of moments with intense fight,where(since the game is anything but open world) -you cant even jump of the stairs from side,but walk them..jesus) where you wont even have enough space to properly evade...music is very nice,the main menu theme sucks big time...again as others mentioned,because of the stupid back stabbing the difficulty even on normal is very challenging..all in all good game but Im affraid not as good as everybody expected.lets hope they will polish it little bit with some good patches.