For me with my background it's brilliant, you get to command a WW2 Tank, Tank Destroyer or Artillery (or as many as you want) from either France, Germany, USSR or America, all the tanks are completely realistic and historically accurate and the graphics are tasty, you start off of course at the bottom with light tanks and each battle you earn "XP" which accumulate to allow you to research upgraded weapons, tracks and turrets etc plus you get credits each battle that allow you to buy them once researched. Eventually after you have gone through all upgrades you can select the next tank to research and work your way up the Tech tree to mediums, Heavy and Super heavy. There is a "Balance" system that ensures that when you are a light tank you don't end up battling Super heavies!
It is all free and can be downloaded on their site, you can buy Gold (optional) which allows you to buy premium for periods of time that increase your xp and credits per battle to speed things up.
Here is a link to the site, you will want the European Server obviously if you choose to download, I have played nothing else for months! it's the same people that do World of Warcraft.