Diablo III Beta Testing Announced!
Beta Info:
Actual Gameplay Info
-All 5 Classes Playable
-Meet with Deckard Cain at New Tristram
-Diablo seems to be returning as the new baddie
-Randomized maps and monsters once again, but mixed with Scripted Events.
Technical Info:
-Testing is to see how well their Client/Server hardware holds up as well as feedback on gameplay
-Beta test has no set end date yet
-Beta testers are chosen according to their system specs and other factors, including luck. Our goal is to have a good variety of system types to best test compatibility.
-All regions will be able to participate in the Diablo III beta test; however, to keep the process as efficient as possible, and ultimately to release the game as soon as possible, we plan to roll out the beta hardware in waves, starting with North America.
-You’ll be able to try out all 5 character classes and experience the early stages of Diablo III from the start of the game through the Skeleton King encounter.
-Auction Hall will be available for testing
-Mac users can play Beta
So from the sounds of it, it sounds like a D1 rehash, I see Diablo as the bad guy, and then I see mention a Skeleton King (King Leoric anyone?) as the final boss in the beta (he's the level 3 boss in D1 for anyone who hasn't played). At first that seems a bit disappointing, but then I realized, I love D1 (still playing it on my PSP, actually fighting Leoric here in a bit), I love the art style, I love the music, I love the darkness. And if I can see a return of that I would be extremely happy, and I do love the storyline as well, so some tweaking on their return, probably some bosses changing names (probably won't be Leoric, but concept will be the same, bunch of skeleton archers and crap), I'm honestly pretty happy with that. I wasn't a huge D2 fan, I enjoyed it some, but D1's atmosphere, bosses, random bosses, music, it all was just a much better play experience in my mind.
How so? I feel like they will thrive. Able to farm huge numbers of items and sell them at lower prices then the average player thinks their worth.
I see auctions turning into a joke within the first 6 months of the game..
Because, the way most games sit right now (just selling currency) the only other competition is professional farmers. Now that items will be able to be sold, everyone that is playing the game can enter this market. Trying to sell items on ebay is pointless, and yes farmers will undercut. But the fact that there is going to be so much more competition means farmers will drive that market so low they might consider just stopping farming all together. It's going to take time, but an ingame AH that converts to real world money isn't a bad idea.