So you are saying that I should be using overpriced tubing that does the exact same thing
Actually the 1/2" braided tubing (not garden hose) isn't really any cheaper than most of the "labeled watercooling" tubing that is out there! Also, I can run to Lowe's 5min away and grab it, instead of waiting for a package
Originally I picked it up, just to redo my loop when I moved into the U2-UF0. Now, I actually like the look of it in my build, but you are entitled to your own opinion
WCing is for performance and I am LinX (25K problem size) and gaming stable over 4.5GHz and can bench @ over 4.6GHz! Maybe you should switch to the braided 1/2" tubing and try to get that AMD 955 over 4GHz
To begin with something,you also seem to not be very educated regarding tubing types...
There are very different kinds of aftermarket tubing, which all have very different behaviour when beeing used...
Some are easy to route, and wont bend even when making tight curves with it...some bend pretty easy, and are shit to route...
Some are flexible and springy, and generally much tighter when installed, and worser to get off...
Some are more of the memory type, that shape themselves in the direction your route them...
Some love barbs and are very tight, sometimes impossible to get off, especially on sharp teethed barbs...
Some leak like mad on barbs, and need a clamp to be used with them...some are great for compression fittings,and some are not.
Yeah,its shit of the tubing runs out, but doesnt that normally happen, if you regularly change components in your rig?
If you do that:
Get yourself a bunch of aftermarket tubing, in bulk, and also, pay the according bulk prices for it...ask your local WC-gear dealer, they probably wont have a problem with it.
Smart idea, as in the end, you pay a lot less, probably even cheaper than generic tubing, smart, as you use quality tubing for quality parts, which should lessen the chance for a leakage by a fair bit,which can be
VERY expensive, and smart, as you always have a stock of tubing if needed, if organization is not your expertise, and you are more of the impulsive type.
If you dont regularly change internals, then, its up to question, for what reason you could use tubing... i mean, i service my loop pretty often, and still, i only change the tubing once or twice the year...
And i just order it early enough, so its there, when i plan to do something
Not very difficult in my opinion.
If you like the look, then well, youre right. You cant argue over personal taste.
But, in my own, humble, opinion, it looks like a Mercedes-Benz, with a Hyundai logo on it.
Also, its sad that you dont know much about Overclocking too.
Or else, you would know, that such a tertiary thing like tubing is not very important with 4ghz+ clocks.
Obviously, the chips quality is what is most important for that. But, let me explain.
First, look at my batch number:
This is a VERY early C2 batch of the 955.
(i know that,because,in that time, CDAwall had an
ES 955,
which was
still older than mine...his batch number was 0918 if im right)
In order, to get this thing to validate anything over 4ghz, i had to open the windows in the deepest winter, in the night,and go under zero degrees celsius... in record times, the temperature in my room was at -10c° (in the few minutes where it was that cold, i calidated 4.2
And that on my WC setup... not amusing.
I think the idle temp was 7c°, and load was 12c°.
For Years,until the C3 stepping came out,i think, there were not even 5 (active,posting) People here, in these Forums, that were able to valid 4.2 on water. Just for your info.
The proc you are so fond of, your own, is an i7!
It may be a good achievement,to get it to 4.5 but its far from spectacular,
and its
not even comparable to a phenom!
You dont compare Apples to Pears, do you?
Yeah, you should use
"Overpriced" aftermarket tubing, doing the same thing, but better.Far more beautiful,reliable, and easy to work with than generic stuff,
(i talk from experience,i made the error to buy generic tubing too, when i began to WC)