I understand thats what you have experienced, but it doesn't mean others have had the same experience and found a simple fix like that. And because you found a fix for yourself, doesn't mean that would fix it for everyone. Granted it does seem gone now, but the servers have been brought down.
Was he prone? And were you using shotguns? I haven't really used them much, but this morning I came up on a prone guy with my 870. I was standing right over him, basically casting my shadow on him. Put 3 shells dead on his lower back, only way I could have been closer is if I crouched over him. Didn't even wound him, he just turned and shot me after a bit. I was not very impressed, but he never responded. Later the game, completely different spot on the map and player, prone again with the 870, same issue. It seems shotguns damage is fubar if you are standing right over a prone target.
Have you tried the Chrome trick with it?
Really? People proning and climbing rocks and hills and proning across the map is realistic? I don't mind prone a ton, it's another button I have to hit, but the use of it in the FPS genre is far from realistic, it gets way over used, moving while prone with a weapon is very difficult, not very comfortable.
My mouse movement speed I haven't even set, feels the exact same. So I'm not sure if there is a movement slider, since it's in beta. But that would be where you would fix that, not too hard of a fix once that appears.
I am surprised aiming at someone that close that you missed. Hip firing is horribly inaccurate, but aiming down sights and actually correcting the recoil I've not see anything like that happen, even with LMGs that kick like a mule, infact hit boxes are actually too large right now. If you are hiding behind something and you are close to an edge, bullets flying past that edge will kill you.
I agree with the MMO thing, everyone cried in BC2, "wwaaa level 25 everything is unlocked! What do I do now". Simple answer, play the game, play an RPG or an MMO if you need rewards dangled in front of your game endlessly for a game to be fun. Everyone these days just needs to be rewarded for everything, or it's no fun it seems.
And I expect the menu only being allowed while alive to change. I know you realize it's a beta, but the things you mentioned actual do seem like things they are tweaking. You will see mouse settings, hit boxes will change, weapons will get tweaks. The only one I don't see changing is the unlock system, but thats because everyone cried about it, and wants an MMO FPS or something, or said "BF2 was this way, so every shooter for the rest of time should be as well!". I feel the small changes that the influence of BF2 brought on, and I don't like them, and it makes me sad that people were so ignorant to think that some of the feel of BF2 should be there because it was awesome half a decade ago. But I am still having fun, and look forward to true Conquest to put my final judgement on it.
Your complains are on mouse movement and hit box, they wouldn't change for single player. You know you will play MP, just like you raged about BC2
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