I am sure everyone would like to move but keep in mind you have a company or school with 200+ pc's that is working perfectly with working fully functional software.
As you know they can waist a few million dollars on gimmicks instead of using it to pay their staff and hire new workers.
You are suggesting they should go and spend a few million dollars to reproduce what they have already that is working just to end up spending more money on some fake crap that needs attention in Win7 / OSX10.7 broken soft.
My systems cost me $0 and works why replace it and waist money on gimmick / Ipad's / iPhone's to end up being worse of than what I am now ?
That is business wise the stupidest thing possible, you have a good copy of adobe suite that has 10000 features and works perfect now you have to buy a newer adobe suite that has 250 features and you can not use your old Adobe suite and other hardware so you need to rebuild / reprogram everything to work with the new B*S* .
Never mind your Adobe suite was a suite now it is a suite with 10 the programs and you have to buy 6 other Adobe suites to get back to square 1 ?
Adobe / MS / Apple / crack cocaine / whatever it is just a example.
1x Imac we have will cost me USD$12k to replace the software should I get a new replacement Imac with 10.7 on it. This 12k does not include the hardware / training and 10% of the $12k software ability's I would be stuck with. So I would need to spend another $8k to buy extra software just to get back to where I am now that is costing me what $0 except for electricity.
That is what $24k to replace my current working Imac with the same thing and more bugs / problems ???
There is a few thousand other problems with the upgrade process, same goes for win7.
You can not expect too much from MS / Apple as they are not German / European and was not brought up with that values / culture / canning on the back side or the 15 recessions in the last 20 years as destructive in other country's as the 1939 USA recessions was in the USA.
So again why should anyone move to Win7 ?? for what reasons even when it is free "costing $129 per new pc free" That is why MS is giving Xbox's per new laptop just to get people to buy new hardware, see it as a Xbox bribe just to get win7 into peoples homes.
PS> this article is based on the fact that every new pc has to have MS win7 as undemocratic as that is and then 3 days later everyone switches back to xp or linux or hackintosh. Even with a new Apple for as long as I have been a Apple fanboy I had to get a Apple then format and reinstall to get rid of the junk / bugs and other issues so the numbers is not even close to being 1% changing to win7 and staying / continually using win7.
6 year old child did this math for me: 
"then Windows 7’s share of the market has climbed to 41.64%"
So 41.64% of what 16 billions pc's on planet earth is running win7 that mean that nearly 7billion pc's has win7 on at say$129 per win7 copy that means that MS win7 is worth $903billion = $129x7billion and MS is bankrupt ?????
LMAO -> What about the 200billion copy's of MS office 2010/11 that is running on 90% of the PC's on planet earth that means that MS has another $3.2+Trillion dollars from MS office LMAO.
So MS owes the IRS USD$301Billion give or take a bit ? MS can not pay as this is not true and so the USA economy can not get the money to fix it / pay China back.
What is the IRS number they need to Audit MS !

I would seriously fire the board of MS as their investors is not getting their 14+% ROI that MS claims or the board of directors is pocketing the difference from MS bankrupt to + / - $901B + $3.2T and using it as bribes in Washington ?
Damn so MS is still bigger than $76b Apple small fry company. ROFL.