The 7mm is a better "sniper"/Hunting round. Faster muzzle velocity and more power..... Less drop, faster round on target, with more stopping power..
I hate stupid people who talk guns.
Plus above = Ducky, atleast pretend to know what your talking about and a tleast give us the courtesy of googling first next time.
Hmmm... i dont know about the 7mm but I do know that the sniper rifle used by the famous Russian sniper (Vasily Grigoryevich Zaytsev) in the siege of Stalingrad and the other famous WWII Russian sniper (Ivan Sidorenko) is the Mosin Nagant which fires the 7.62x54R. That round is also used in the Dragunov, PKM (LMG), Winchester Model 1895, AVS-36, JS 7.62, SVT-40, PSL-54C, Zastava M91, Berkut rifle, IZH-18MH, and the SV-98.
"Worldwide, the trend is similar. The preferred sniper cartridge in Russia is another .30 calibre military cartridge, the 7.62 x 54 mm R, which has similar performance to the 7.62x51mm. This cartridge was introduced in 1891, and both Russian sniper rifles of the modern era, the Mosin-Nagant and the Dragunov sniper rifle, are chambered for it." -Wikipedia on sniper rifles
The sniper load is Cartridge Designation 7N1 338 grain. After that comes weights: 335, 336, 340, 349 grains. So, while it may not be the best "hunting round" unless you are hunting humans then it is up there with the best, IT IS a sniper round and Boise49ers did refer to "sniping" (
and will have a good time playing sniper for real Saturday and sunday morning.
) I am not saying that the 7mm is not a sniper round. i am just not familiar with the rifles chambered in 7mm Remington Mag. Don't be so quick to disembowel a guy for making conversation. Keep in mind, not all of us worship anything made American and such. Being that 7mm is generally associated with the Mauser rifle, I would place the 7mm as a German Cartridge except for the Remington 700rifle and such. I happen to be a fan of Russian Rifles and ballistics and what the 7.62x54R lacks in muzzle velocity in 140-185 grain rounds makes up with stopping power. Not to mention most people are not aiming for targets 250+yards away. 250+ yards away is when the relatively flat trajectory of the 7mm Mag comes in to play. I do research too so don't discount me or refer to me as "ill-informed or stupid" just because I don't live, breath, eat, sleep, and shit guns and ammo.