I agree on 10's, obviously it's not perfect. But 8's or 9's I can see. I don't rate games on CTD's or any of the other things you listed, unless they don't fix the problems is a decently quick manner. I actually rate the game on the game. And a lot of those issues remain in MP games for years, even the most polished ones.
Reading all of the "red" reviews. 1 guy says it's a great game, but has to give it a 0 since they blantantly copied COD, another gives it a 0 because it was so bad he was crying the entire time he played it, another "beautiful graphics don't make this game good", one actually wrote a decent review of why he dislikes it (battlelog and such) but no way does that make it a 0, one says the graphics are bad (lol?). And numerous under the 5 rating just say bad SP (which apparently tanks the rating of a series that use to never even have SP), or say it's Battlelog. Almost every review I just listed is a biased or bad review. I ain't a huge fan of Origin, but it's working fine, Battlelog is working fine. These are just rage reviews when their emotions are running hot, and I would discount almost all except the one guy complaining about Origin and Battlelog (the one that gave it a 0) simply because he actually wrote a lot, and his details in problem, but he just went way extreme on his rating.