PC platform development for BF3 was switched to console mid-production.
Not too much of a surprise, just to finish the game up. What matters the most is they got it on the engine and framework they had planned on PC, which would have been work they did at the beginning.
Thats easy. I don't like having crosshairs, and a limited hud to me is better. I don't care for spotting, I absolutely HATE 3rd person view while in vehicles. It's totally lame IMO to be able to see whats going on around your vehicle at all times. I don't like friendly fire with the normal mode either. if I shoot a team mate I expect them to die (not that I would on purpose). I prefer killing and being killed more quickly. Pumping a clip into someone to kill them is not my idea of fun. I feel that to do well in hardcore mode one must learn to be more tatical. I think it takes a bit more skill to be good in hardcore Vs normal. (Not implying that I'm that good though). There are more reasons I'm sure that I'm just not thinking about right now...
I'll play normal mode from time to time. I don't mind really I just wouldn't play it full time.
I personally like Normal for the things you hate. If I want real war, I will sign up as a bullet catcher in the Army. BF has always been a decent mix of realism and "fakeism". Defibs, Health Packs, and Ammo Box's are just too unreal.
Spotting simulates being there. Think of it like playing on TS with people vs being in the same room as people. On TS it's hard to know exactly how to describe something, "to your left, down that alley". But at that moment they might be facing a different direction then you think, and "that alley" isn't the best description. Where as being in the same room, they can look right at your screen, see what you see, kind of like being in war together. Spotting allows you to say "look down that alley, at the guy I spotted". Now "that alley" + the guy you spotted is good enough info for your Squad members to make a judgement on their next move. It's all about teamwork, and allowing people to communicate things that aren't easily said when you aren't side by side. And spotting helps so much when your squad isn't in voice chat, typing is far too slow, so it's your only way to convey directions to people you don't know.
I can see how 3rd person cameras bother you, not much I can say there except it's not mean to be completely realistic. It bothers me not having that view, but if I was after complete realism, I would play with it off as you do. Friendly Fire though, this just isn't real war, it doesn't work like real war. In real war, you work as a team, you support your fellow soldiers. In BF, your running to the jet, some asshole grabs it, you headshot him out. I see TKing used more to get vehicles you want than anything else. So many times I'm running to a tank and I just get gunned down then watch the guy hop in it and take off. FF On is suppose to make you be careful, but it just seems up in the thick of the shit it doesn't matter as much as it does in your base where the real TKing happens.
Personally though, in BF3 I don't feel a huge difference between Core and HC. I didn't like HC because it had minimap off and crap, but if I land on an HC server with Assists on, thats fine by me, I've had that happen before and not even realized it till someone gets TK'ed next to me.
Without others spotting you it can be said that it is easier to move around the map without being seen.
Meh, since HC promotes camping from a harsher damage model, bullets still ping the map with your nice red triangle that says I want a mortar shell shoved where the sun doesn't shine.
Which brings me to a point. The Suppressor is easily the best weapon attachment. Right after I attached that to my M60, it just became beast. I would like the bigger clips, but when people come around the corner and have no idea I am there, it's much more advantageous for me. And it hides you from mortars.