First off, I'm talking 1920x1080 as it is the standard resolution for most ALL gamers now. Oh and a gtx 560 is not a gtx 560 Ti. They are quite different. He's not looking at the plain 560.
Secondly, you can't argue what maximum settings is. It's all settings cranked to the maximum. You don't get to pick and choose things to disable and call it maximum. So again, it's maximum settings or nothing.
Hell even nvidia themselves show that you can't get 60FPS with that card at max settings at those resolutions. These are using recommended settings too, not even maximum:
I am not attacking you personally because you own a gtx 460. I just think it's irresponsible to tell someone to buy a card that works OK for you and your below average resolution and settings. The gtx 460 is a nice card. I've owned a couple 470's and currently have two 480's. I don't want to have to go grab performance charts on the 460/BF3 (which I'm looking at now), because they clearly show you can't run the game at around 1080p at ultra/max settings with 60FPS. In fact it doesn't really even get close to that. If you think you can get 60FPS with maximum settings ( and I mean maximum, including AA etc) then please provide us with some proof. A fraps benchmark + screenshot of your setup would suffice. Otherwise you shouldn't say things that are not true.
I change my mind. Here is Tom's in depth guide on BF3 and the top gpu's
I get that you like your graphics card, but I personally think it is a poor choice for someone looking to buy a new card. The 460 is not even current gen, and it will soon be one tier below last generation. I might have recommended it at the end of 2010 as a budget card. The guy already said he's in the market for a 560Ti or a 6950. You could potentially ruin his experience by giving him poor advice. That's all I'm saying here.
Side note: The gtx 480 is still a great option due to its extreme value now. I bought one of mine for $150 cash on craigslist months ago. Who knows what kind of used deal you could get now. I would go with the 6950 2GB (msi twin frozr II especially if you don't want reference) as it's going to give you gaming for a few years to come, while something like the 460 is breathing its last breaths right now. The 6950 will also let you do 3 screens / eyefinity out of the box - and believe me BFBC2 and BF3 are AMAZING in eyefinity. They just plain scale better too.
Good luck!!!