Can you add me please? My primary cell is a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch (running the blazer rom w/ EL 29 modem, overclocked to 1.3GHz (Tegrak)).
The blazer rom is a highly optimized and modded gingerbread ROM. It's super F'ing fast. I score in the 5K range in quadrant standard with moderate OC. I've seen scores of 6281 on XDA with this phone and custom ROMs. Freakin' nuts...
I just bought a Samsung Galaxy Note (international version, specs are better). Can't wait to test it out. It's basically a bigger and better version of my epic touch. Oh and it's white.
Absolutely love my epic touch. It's by far the most powerful and functional phone I've ever owned. It is so fast and solid. I use a Seidio Surface combo black case + holster, and some screen shields - forget the brand.