i like many have been forced to buy some games on origin, I like the way their turning them forcing me to play my games through origin, into some kinda big success the dicks, i bought B2 bad co on steam then they brought out origin that fecked that game for me on launch day as it dissapeared from my steam list (dicks all of em,dicks)
bought crysis2 2 months prior to launch on origin and despite that and it being tied to that account i still cant play it cos it activates every other load and has hit its activation limit for the 3rd time(im starting to think they are monitoring my spec and slight ocs void the activation?) im considering just cracking the tard of a game but origin would prob shaft me of my other games, the dicks
and despite buying BF3 full pre launch i still cant get rid of the soddin alpha or beta from My games library in it ,yet cant dl em cos they are Not available Yet Ha ha
and why when they have so many publishers signed up is it mostly still NFS sims and BF games + Batman AC
IMHO all online services such as EA and valve should be legislated to force the availabillty of all games on all dl shop fronts then they can truely work to better my experience and make me want to shop there instead of just Makeing me shop there.
rant over im pissed bout crysis 2 tho, long list of shit and ive still not finished it ,despite their effin great cloud storage and syncing crysis 2 saves dont carry over it seems, like soddin valve with many a game , DICKS
Go EA dicks