As your defending them and nothing wrong with that as long as you have credible data to confirm that they are making such good power supplies. This is the first I've heard of them so it sounds like they do well oversea's. Please give any good reviews, tests of these power supplies and so forth. It would be good to know.
If you don't then please don't post anything more than I heard that they were good. Information on the internet is already in situation critical overload LOL..... so if you have links please post them for all to read. It would be great to know.
Hi, I'll try to put links from now on. I can only say I think the tests was done at either Hardocp (I'm not sure about the name, I had a reinstall and lost most of my bookmarks but they do good tests on power supplies and Tom's hardware did a bit of testing as well. Just go to those sights and look at their power supply sections for their past reviews if your still interested.
I was really impressed by their reviews. They use proper testing meters that show noise and loading which is very critical and isn't done by a few other sites that don't have the money or the will to invest in testing meters and O-scopes that are really needed when their testing power supplies.
Noise is always a important issue when voltage levels are getting so low that any potental noise that could make it too the cpu ( though getting through the motherboards regulators now days is next to impossible) but still any power supply that puts out a lot of noise is not one to buy for any reason because it's sloppy and gives more room to damage data or hardware. I saw a warning from AMD to not use memory over 1.5v with it's new cpu's because it can damage it and so just a .1v spike jump could potentally ruin a cpu is reason enough to watch for poorly made power supplies. I could not come close to knowing how it could make it through this way but better safe than sorry right?
I am sorry I can not be very specific on a lot of stuff unless I write it down. I lost that ability to retain this kind of data after my accident and can only go by general information for the most part. Very sorry about this. I just still like to help get people to think more about the topic the best I can. I'm making a lot of people mad at me over the whole AMD/Intel issues because of the poor testing being done on the new AMD cpus by the major sites that is very obvious but people are happy to gloss over what AMD is trying to do with this new design that is infuriating. It's all about a long view issue built into their cpus and future potental that won't show up for a few months so I'm getting into tons of heated posts about this.
But oh well, merry Xmas to everyone, I am going into hiding as usual this time of the year. And be very careful with new years too ok? Health is everything so don't get into a situation where you can ruin yours. I did and am very much like that House char. and take tons of pain pills for the last 20 years and it's horrible so stay safe!!!!!! Have fun but don't ruin your health ok folks???? I went from very smart to smart that I can't use anymore consistently.