Slaps all these quotes in the face with a Grain Sack of Nickles
Yall whine about the smallest things, make me wonder if all of you are a bunch of PMSing women right now.
1. The cooler has been on the market for some time, thus it works well enough to even be on the 7950. Performance of the cooler isn't a major concern, plus those who complain about how it doesn't attach to the ram- it probably doesn't need to- GDDR5 apparently stays fairly cool compared to GDDR3/DDR3.
1.a If you're a true overclocker they won't hand you everything to do so- overclocking used to take work and should still and is a art not a science, so just throw ramsinks or even a fan in the area. If you want the work already done and handed to you- buy a Lightning/ PCS+,Toxic/Atomic/VaporX
2. The Color Scheme is a definite change of pace as black on silver/copper/black all the time from every other board maker gets boring (Show off the hardware not hide it) Stands out for sure and I personally like the polished aluminum look of the card shroud.
2.a Atleast it's not OEM Green or Asus' Ugly Yellow/Cheese Color or Turd Fergason Brown.
2.b Stealthy Look?- peh In Aviation Field Black Stands out more on a blue sky than gray ever does. Plus Black has a high IR signature.
3. Just remember Blue PCB users were both HIS and Sapphire, I honestly miss the Red PCB of AMD cards.
4. If you don't like the card there is already other alternatives available that fit yall's tastes.
wow, 2 whole heatpipes... zalman you shouldn't have gone to such effort.
If they had actually used it on the cooler (where there logo is) it wouldn't look half as bad...
Seems a lot of trouble having a custom colour PCB made, only to plonk a red cooler on, even the black one would have looked better
Or Spiderman...
Ugly or not it should be always about performance.
Blue PCB? What were they thinking? I remember when first ditching my Dell and getting into building my own PC, the first component was that huge shiny copper Zalman CPU HSF. I loved it, but after discovering Noctua and super quiet Asus DirectCU video coolers, no reason to every go back...
The color scheme does not represent what the current gamer/enthusiast builders are into, for example a Matte Black PCB is a basic necessity due to the clean/stealth look that most builders like, along with a cooler that doesn't completely look like a big waste of space >.<
If they made these changes, in my opinion it would be a great looking/selling card:
-Matte Black PCB
-Can keep the cooler design, make it double slot, and make it cover the whole card (sort of in the twinfrozer style from MSI)
Would look badass and keep the classic Zalman cooler design!
Not sure about the negative comments on the cooler because it is very very good and in my opinion second only to an Accelerro. I used it on a 5870, 5850 and 580. However, how about a red or black PCB , it would look a much better.
first is why dont they design better fans cover than that
and one more, i dont see new things compared to the others cooling solution
So they chuck a big heatsink on it without any reinforcing on the card....SMART. I used to be a huge fan of Zalman but lately since they decided to make different products (e.g. graphics cards), they really haven't been in the spotlight like they used to be back when the 9900 and 9700 coolers were around.
- No cooling on the memory
- Most of the heatsink is wasted with that heatpipe design and bad heatsink placement
- Might as well be a triple slot card
- Not a black PCB
i was just thinking that. red cooler with blue PCB!
Black PCB and then it would look alright.
Dear ZALMAN, make it black
Can't get much uglier than that.
I always like this company, still own few of Zalman product, but they need to focus to produce better product meanwhile their cooler market share is being eaten by better innovative company. And yet they choose to fight in already crowded Graphic card market.
Differentiation technique works better when we already have a different product
Someone at Zalman is a Transformers fan...
well, it is ugly, at least in photos..