yea roughly from what ive seen 2 out of every 3 bullets in an LMG automatically miss, ill defer to Kurgan here a bit but considering with the M60 im ranked in the top 3% playing BF3 on PC and considering my game time as support
83 hours total game time
62 hours as Support
2 hours as Assualt
10 hours In Main Battle tanks
pretty much means ive spent a shit ton of time using LMGs to the point theirs only one other person on tpu whos played support more then me yet has less then half the number of kills using said weapons
as far as recoil goes the MG36 now has a recoil thats harder to control then the M60 or PKP, low magazine capacity, less stopping power, can no longer use foregrip + sights meaning bipod is needed, sadly cant deploy bipod half the time do to fixing the bipod lulz, meaning the guns have lost their status if you want to use an LMG prone + bipod means anyone down range with a rifle will headshot you, deploying on items that are the proper height leaves you exposed, looks like ill be forced to switch to personal defense weapons,
as the IAR 27 is worthless its an M416 but is half as accurate simply due to mag having extra rounds
MG36 got nerfed.
M60 has improved but almost all 7.62mm round weapons just feel weak at close range, the extra stopping power is worthless, anyone whos run into an Engie knows this lol as the needle guns will drop you asap, dropping to deploy bipod gets you killed supressive fire is worthless alot of the time with LMGs, its mitigated by a red dot or flashlight so if your opponent has either pointed at you, your bullets already at around 66% missing or going to supressive status is increased.
and yes i realize LMGs cant be laser accurate weapons blah blah blah, it would just be nice if they actually hit as they should,
supressors have caused a HUGE hit to damage so they are worthless on LMGs now as well
Foregrip = junk for the most part
Bipod can't deploy in the usually easily defensible areas like catwalks on Operation firestorm tank blows a hole in the wall? get on the catwalk use bipod and get some flag defense action well 50/50 it wont deploy on a catwalk you can get lucky if debries are nearby however as it stands sometimes they work sometimes they dont, most often your out in the open and sitting still in the open = death
MG36 gains heavy barrel but it does nothing for accuracy really, due to again supressive style LMGs are ment for in the game, heavy barrel means no extended mag, even so they removed extended mag anyway,
QBB-95 is okay its more accurate but higher rate of fire and 76 rounds at the start means it doesnt fill its role well weapon is considered awesome by some not so much by others, ive had 0 luck with it
i can understand weapons like the M60, PKP, T88, M240B, M249 being unwieldly
but handy capping say the IAR 27 which is a carbon copy M416 and the MG36 just due to higher magazine capacity is rather retarded, these weapons are essentially assault rifles but dont feel as such, having played a few hours as assault the M416 is superior in every aspect to the IAR yet they are the same weapon the IAR has a heavy barrel and larger magazine, but thats about it,
Eitherway LMGs kinda got nerfed, might try picking up shotguns again but i doubt it, having to unlock shit constantly on weapons for them be worth using is getting tedious.
MG36 is essentially the same as the G36C at medium range the MG36 should be as accurate due to the heavier barrel
IAR 27 should be the same as an M416, but it gets a range nerf for obvious reasons aka an extra half a mag you can empty,
Accuracy Plots pre patch, theyve been changed again since patch but to give you an Idea M416 vs IAR 27
essentially the bigger the mag / clip the less accurate the gun
the ASVAL is interesting to note as it really is a needle gun lol first bullet is extremely accurate.
As it stands LMGs didnt need to be NERFED, what needs to be done is give Mortars back to Recon as it was in Bad Company 2 yet instead of multiple morters its just 1 well placed shot,
allow C4 for Assault and Support, but make C4 Assault users give up Med Packs aka you lose the SPM spam box, for vehicle killing power, reviving should still be possible it balances things out far better then as it currently is.