well inferno is starting to suck a left nut just like Mailman said.... enjoy playing with the TPU crew though... think I'll try the Tornado spec like 1Kurgan1 suggested. I like playing with the mechanics of it especially working on skill sets to at least try to make something work a lil better...
I suggest replacing Leap (Iron) with Furious Charge (Stamina). The build has a few weaknesses, and they are this.
A) The normal build has Fury starvation issues (both between pulls and initiating). It rely's on you using War Cry (to gain 30 fury), then using Battle Rage (consumes 20 Fury), then having a target available to Leap onto (gives you 15 Fury), which leaves you with only 5 extra Fury to hit Sprint with, which is a super small window, you need to hit 2, 3, 1, right click within about 3 - 4 seconds or you have lost that 5 fury window and now have to wait for Leap to come back off CD to start your loop. And waiting 10 seconds for Leap means Battle Rage only has 20 seconds left on the CD, so 2 more cooldowns of Leap and then Battle Rage needs to be refreshed. It's just a very anal build that has no room for error. (Also Sprint Tornado's sometimes bug and don't spawn, so the leap build if that happens you are forced to wait for leap cd, where as Furious charge you have enough Fury to go again).
B) Even playing this build perfectly, the build is a Life on Hit tank. I can stand in a good amount of shit (1300 LoH for Act 1 is plenty enough, I'm near 1900 now), but the only reason I can is because I'm gaining insane amounts of life. While Wrath of the Berserker is up everything is great, you should have no issues with anything, but if something does hit hard, or you end up running out of Wrath time, you now have to worry about Frozen, Jailer big time (especially if they have Desecrator). Because this build requires you to be moving to lay down Tornadoes for Life on Hit, Jailer just destroys this build, especially if they catch you while you are on AoE. And Leap doesn't break Jailer.
Good thing about both those being the problems of the build is.... one ability switch fixes 2 problems with 1 stone. Change out Leap to Furious Charge (Stamina). Furious Charge breaks out of Jailer and it hits harder than Leap does. Adding the Stamina buff to it now makes starting pulls and keeping that Fury bar pegged so much easier as well. I go War Cry, Battle Rage, then Furious Charge (if I hit 4 targets I now have 47 Fury compared to 25 of the Leap build). I can fly right in there and hit Sprint and still have enough Fury to Sprint again or I can start Whirlwinding instantly. The other change I've made is I run Inspiring Presence rather than Tough as Nails. Tough as Nails might have been a requirement post patch simply because things were very hard in Act 3+. But now you got a bit of room to move, picking up some constant health regen is nice, but the big bonus is Battle Rage now lasts 1 min and War Cry lasts 2 min (thats not a big deal since you spam it to gain fury). Having a larger time frame on War Cry is just amazing, it frees up a ton of Fury to use, and makes the build feel much better, you don't have to be constantly looking for enemys because your 30 second shouts going to wear off and you need Fury to refresh it. I'll do my War Cry and Battle Rage shouts in the middle of no where, simply because I don't even need them to generate Fury anymore to initiate, Furious charge hitting 1 target creates enough Fury to Sprint. Also Furious Charge is a better tank tool if you are DPS tanking for friends, when you hit targets it pops them up in the air. So if a runner is heading for your ranged squishys, just slam into the sucker and tell him no, gives your ranged time to move away and for you to entertain him some more.
You can try both builds if you like, but I highly suggest giving mine a shot, the small changes have a large effect. I liked the build to start with, but it felt clunky with Fury starvation issues, I toyed with it for 2 days before finally coming across this solution. Here's the entire build I run (I think if you wanted Weapons Master could go for something more defensive if you are at the gear check wall, then just pick up weapons master again when gear improves).
Also bind move to something like spacebar, using click to move while having Whirlwind on left click does not work well once you have built Fury. It works well with no targets near, but in a target area it makes WW clunky, it likes to just attach to enemys. So I just move my mouse cursor and hold down spacebar and I whirlwind around with my character following my mouse. Overall, this build is weird, it requires management of CDs, has no real Fury generating attacks, it takes getting use to, so if Act 1 is difficult, practice with it in Act 3 or 4 on Hell Diff first.