The game could get much better.. bandit NPC roaming groups, black market type sales, perks, more accesibility to vehicles, even if they are just a 2 seater bike..
More atmosphere, I'd like to see a chopper flying overhead once in a while or something..
There can still be things that happen and objectives as well.
That can be implemented easy and I know that, because I spent like a year making zombie maps and other things for Arma.. You could go talk to a guy who has missions avilable, take the mission and go complete it for a reward..
It needs more extras, more candy..
Like I had this building you could go to called "Dr. Kevorkians lasik"
You went into the building then paid for the surgery and it went into a small Cutscene that zoomed out and circled the top of the building, then you heard a drilling noise and a loud scream, like someone was being tortured. Then you snapped back into game and your view distance was increased.. All Client side..
Little things mean alot.
The game is nothing to be scoffed at, it took a huge amount of work to get it where it is for sure.
I actually know what he had to do to code this and there are scripts apon scrips he had to write from scratch, as well as all kinds of other things..
It's a great idea that I hope to see come to "full" fruition.