Ubuntu and Mint community forums are probably the most resourceful and kindest ones around.
Arch and Gentoo forums will basically laugh at you if you're a newb, but there are plenty of guides out there to get you in the right direction. So here is my MAIN point out of all this.
Say you install Ubuntu, and it doesn't recognize you're sound card (which is still a very common probably, even now). You can literally spend a full day trying to get your sound working. And Ubuntu users, don't you lie and say it was easy as pie every time you install Ubuntu on different computers, you're lying if you're in denial if you think its always a smooth process.
Yes, you can manipulate things and get a random driver to eventually work, but chances are it won't fully support the sound cards chipset, so you stuff in mono instead of stereo, or you have single channel audio, or 2.1 instead of 5.1 the list goes on.
Now take Windows 7 or 8. You put the disc in, less than an hour later everything is working. That is fact.
Windows = THE gaming OS.
Ubuntu/Linux in general = For hardcore computer folks who love to tinker.
That's my honest opinion and that is why I think it will be a very long time before there is a real Linux gaming movement. Steam is the pioneer in all of this, everyone else is going to keep focusing on the future of Windows and DirectX. Just put yourself in a gaming developers shoes. Are you really going to all the sudden start coding you games for OpenGL when there is tons of amazing DirectX based SDK's available for use? No. Are they really going to work with Nvidia and AMD to get specific driver updates for multi display updates and performance improvements, for OpenGL? No.
See, I have plenty of valid arguments.
I'm not trying to have a "Pro Windows or go home!" mentality, I'm just purely stating the hard proven facts. I would love Linux to thrive (along with OpenGL). But that kind of thing is going to take tons of time, effort, money, and implementation. It's a lonnnnnnng road.
Edit: I still would like to see a screenshot comparison of the linux version and windows version, everything maxed.