Yea, W1zz what up with an
8.9? This is a much better value than the MSI R7850 Power Edition costing $270 and that you gave an 8.8! This card provides 8% increase performance/$ to a GTX670, and you gave that a 9.7!
Honestly, for this P-C PCS+ with 40% less performance that a GTX 670, but is really going to cost 40% less what's the deal here? Sure a $400 card beats it surprise! But folks ridiculed the 7850 when it came out as to high a price even you said, "HD7850 would do much better if it were $10 cheaper" on the reference review, although then you gave 7850 a 9.1. So, today we get an all around better card for $10 more and you can't give it better than reference? What is the competition at the price point a GTX570 those are still like $300, no value there?
As you said about the reference GTX 670 "reasonable price of $399", but for a quality card that's more attainable to more folks (as it has lower price), while better performance to cost this is a sweet-heart! This is always a "pay to play" arena, but in this $250 game this is great and who knows when Nvidia will come (some say July-Aug) or what they can deliver.
If Nvidia brings in performance like GTX570-480 though $300, what's that going to change? The only thing that Nvidia could do is pull 20% off GTX670 performance and $300 price which would be good for Nvidia users who wait what 10 week for 25% less cost with a 20% hit on performance, but that assumes the obvious.
Heck 9.4 I say a